Surface pre-processing techniques: Choice, testing, and benchmarking

Pre-processed galvanized sheets by means of blasting in vacuum

Double rotation nozzles for large area atmospheric pressure plasma processing

Plasma pre-processed thermoplastic fiber composite structures
To produce adhesive bonding joints, sufficient adhesion of the joined partners must be provided. To guarantee adhesion on real parts, surfaces must be pre-treated. In this process, adhesion is improved, and corrosion inhibiting coatings can be produced.
Competences and system technology
Mechanical methods:
- Sandblasting and particle blasting in vacuum
- Coating sandblasting SACO® for silication of joining part surfaces
Chemical methods:
- Flame pyrolysis to apply coupling agent coatings or nanostructured SiOx coatings
- Atmospheric pressure – plasma processing for fine cleaning, activation and separation of coupling agent layers (plasma polymerization)
Laser-based techniques:
- Near-net-surface shape material removal and remelting with pulsed laser beam sources from UV to IR wavelength ranges (laser-micro structuring)
- Generation of periodic structures by means of the DLIP technology
- Large-surface structuring with cw beam sources (laser macro structuring)