Materials Characterization and Testing

The Competence Field of Materials Characterization and Testing deals with the recording of mechanical properties, the structural composition of materials and layer systems as well as their influence by modern manufacturing and processing procedures. Using state-of-the-art testing technology, Fraunhofer IWS researchers are able to generate meaningful data on components within a very short time. Especially in the areas of fatigue and vibration resistance, this screening provides results after only a few days. This time-saving as well as cost-effective short-term diagnostics is also particularly interesting for medium-sized companies.

Another major activitiy of our work is the development and design of novel materials, especially for additive manufacturing and coating technology. Our focus is also on materials for use under extreme conditions such as high temperature, wear or corrosion. In this way, we pursue the goal of increasing the durability of products, improving process efficiency, reducing energy and material consumption, and enabling the substitution of hazardous materials or materials that are difficult to recycle.

As a cross-sectional competence field, we have modern equipment that enables us to serve various technology areas.

Research Topics


Materials Design

Development of high-performance metallic materials and adaptation to modern sustainable manufacturing and coating technologies


Fatigue Behavior and Lifetime Prediction

High-frequency test laboratory with extensive characterization capabilities for rapid information on fatigue failure causes


In-situ Deformation and Damage Analysis

Complex, optical deformation analyses lay the foundation for structurally optimized components and damage detection



Digital transformation in the testing laboratory as a platform for data-driven materials development

Highlights and Scientific Expertise


Metallographic Tomography

3D information to elucidate the process-structure-property relationships of materials


High Entropy Alloys (HEA)

Reference example: novel metallic materials with superior mechanical and functional properties


Press release / 7.7.2021

National Research Data Infrastructure NFDI

NFDI-MatWerk project: networked data infrastructure for materials science and materials engineering


Scientific Publications

Recent publications on materials characterization and testing



Extended Design Method for Developing Strength Potential Beyond the Classic Fatigue Strength (BMWK, FKZ: 01IF23068N)


Digital Ecosystem for a Resilient and Sustainable Supply of Functionally Reliable Materials (Fraunhofer lead project)


Novel metallic materials, feedstock and fabrication processes for high-performance additive manufactured goods (SAB, FKZ: 3000925281)


Joint project “Digital Transformation in Materials Testing“ (BMBF, FKZ: 02L18B560)


Adaptive metal coatings based on the principle of biological modification (BMBF, FKZ: 13XP5140)


Data-driven process, material and structural analysis for additive manufacturing (SAB, FKZ: 100373343)


Resource-saving, power-conducting connections for the energy transition (IGF Vorhaben Nr.: 58 LBR (Teil 1))

News and Media


News / 6.2.2024

“DiWan” Shows the Way to a Digital Materials Expert

New Insights Gained for the Use of Digital Lab Notebooks


News / 21.7.2022

Martina Zimmermann new DFG Senate member

Fraunhofer IWS Congratulates the Materials Researcher on Her Assignment


News / 8.6.2022

“DiWan“: Virtual Materials Expert

A Lab Book for Eternity


News / 22.7.2021

Testing beyond Standardization

Safe Component Development through Application-oriented Validation in the Laboratory