High Speed Laser Processing

Application example derived from the motion control framework.
© Fraunhofer IWS
Application example derived from the motion control framework.

State-of-the-art systems engineering is the key to new and optimized material processing technologies that take full advantage of the capabilities of brilliant high-power lasers. Our deep understanding of processes continues to drive the development of application-adapted solutions that go beyond the state of the art. Among other things, we design, validate and transfer processing optics with enhanced functionality, control technology for remote and "on the fly" processing, as well as system technology and software for process control, monitoring and regulation.

Our Range of Services Includes:

  • Feasibility studies and technology development for ablative machining of metals and non-metals
  • Change of properties of soft magnetic materials by laser treatment
  • Systems engineering developments for highly dynamic laser machining processes
  • Development of customized software solutions
  • Characterization and evaluation of optical systems (laser beam diagnostics)

Event Note


12.–13.03.2025 / Dresden
Organizer: Fraunhofer IWS

Simulation – Laser Processes and Components

Research Focus




System Developments





Product sheet

LMDR – Laser Magnetic Domain Refinement

Surface treatment of grain-oriented electrical steel using high power laser beam sources


Get an insight into the current publications of the Fraunhofer IWS on high-speed laser processing.

Job Offer for Students



Student Assistant

Student Research Project “Investigations into Increasing the Efficiency of Electrical Steel Using High-power Laser Beam Sources”


Enhanced LMDR

Material and process optimization to increase the efficiency of laser-treated grain-oriented electrical steel sheet, Timeframe: 01/2023–12/2025 (BMWK, FKZ: 03EN4039A)


Laser structured sensor tattoos for CoBots, Timeframe: 07/2021–06/2024 (Fraunhofer)

Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Advanced Photon Sources (CAPS)

New generation of ultrashort pulsed lasers and their application, Timeframe: 10/2021–12/2023 (Fraunhofer)

News and Media


Press Release / 21.9.2022

Sandblasting with Light

Fraunhofer IWS developed a laser technology to clean and structure surfaces particularly quickly while protecting the environment.


Annual Report Article

Cellular Scanner Mirrors for Fast Beam Deflection


Annual Report Article

Technology and Systems Development for High-rate Laser Ablation