Rapid testing system to determine the adsorption properties of porous materials ( INFRAsorp)

Rapid testing system to determine the adsorption properties of porous materials.
© Fraunhofer IWS
Rapid testing system to determine the adsorption properties of porous materials.

The research area “novel porous materials” finds enormous interest worldwide. Porous materials are often characterized by cost- and time consuming physisorption and breakthrough experiments. Especially in the field of high sample numbers such as high throughput synthesis or quality control, a fast characterization method is required.

The Fraunhofer IWS has developed an optical calorimeter “ INFRAsorp” which utilizes the adsorption induced heat release for the characterization of porous materials. The working principle enables a simple, cost-, time- and resource saving screening of porous materials for various applications.

Scope of supply

  • Screening of porous materials regarding structural properties, e.g. inner surface area, pore size
  • Evaluation of adsorption capacity of porous materials, e.g. for gas storage or filter design
  • Studies on adsorption kinetics
  • Stability studies for multiple adsorption-desorption cycling, e.g. for evaluation of water stability of potential materials in dehumidification or adsorption driven heat pumps
  • Sizing of nanoparticles by surface area adsorption measurement


InfraSORP im Fraunhofer IWS YouTube-Kanal

Project partner


  • Max-Planck-Institut für Kolloid- und Grenzflächenforschung, Potsdam
  • Fraunhofer-Institut für Umwelt-, Sicherheits- und Energietechnik, Oberhausen
  • Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden